Thursday, November 14, 2019

5 tips to write a stellar research proposal

A research proposal helps your professor to understand your intention of conducting a study. To achieve the hypothesis and come up with an invention of thoughts and practices, you need to draft a research proposal before beginning with the task.
A research proposal describes the broad philosophical underpinning of your chosen research topic. The experts associated with leading research proposal help services have come up with 5 brilliant tips for you. Applying these tips will help you to write an excellent research paper that can impress your supervisors right away
You have to include the research question, objectives, and hypothesis in the introductory chapter in your research proposal. You need to explain what methods you would undertake to answer the research questions and achieve the hypothesis.  
This blog aims to provide effective tips on drafting a research proposal. Read on to know the brilliant suggestions given by the experts who provide help with the research proposal flawlessly.  
1. Explain your approach:
You need to provide an overview of your approach to primary research to contextualize your investigation process. Maintain a proper structure to make your readers understand the chapter. You should identify all the methodological aspects and why you aim to attend them. Highlight points like rationale, sampling issues, justification of the topic, and answer how these methodological approaches are helpful in conducting the research.
2. Justify choosing a particular topic or question: 
It is essential to provide sound reasons for the topic you have chosen to conduct your research. Rigorous justification will help you to provide relevant insights into the findings of the research. For example, you need to write why you came up with this research question and whether it helps to achieve the hypothesis.  
3.   Include reliability and validity:
Issues of reliability and validity must be explicitly discussed. Many aspects fall under this section such as including accuracy, precision, sources of error and statistical significance. Include a separate section to explain the essential factors of your research methodology. Including a section for methodology in your research proposal will help your professors to understand your paper.  
4. Describe Sampling (if you include the process):
You need to talk about sampling techniques, sample size, and statistical significance of your study. The sample design, questionnaire, and other essential aspects need to be discussed as well. These details will help your readers to understand your research better.
5. Include a literature review: 
You need to include a separate section as a literature review in your proposal. Before establishing your research, you need to discuss the previous works on the same topic. Apart from that, you should also include relevant theories and models in your research proposal to establish the basic concept of the chosen topic.
Follow these steps and create a flawless research proposal. Leave your professors awestruck and score brownie points this semester. 

Saturday, November 2, 2019

4 tricks to proofread your academic paper like a pro

Let’s face it; Nobody likes to have a second look at the assignments once they finish writing. This is the reason most students find the task of proofreading quite daunting. This eventually leads them to search for online proofreading services.
Since proofreading has a huge significance in establishing the credibility of your papers, you cannot really ignore it. But you can certainly simplify it. So, presented below are some interesting ideas advocated by the experts on proofreading services online that you can implement.
1. Read it out loud
Reading your texts aloud is an excellent way to detect the lurking errors within your assignment papers. While reading, you’re most likely to find something that doesn’t sound right. Maybe you haven’t used the appropriate verb, or perhaps you have misspelled a word. This is something even the experts on editing and proofreading services have observed.
Reading your write-up aloud is hence the best way to recognize the mistakes and rectify them. Since you’ll have to go through every word, this significantly raises the chances to find a typo. If you haven’t been able to spot the errors yourself, maybe you’ll hear them. You can seek guidance from professional proofreading services in this matter.
2. Break it all up in manageable chunks
Think about it, if you can break up the assignment while writing the paper, why not do the same while proofreading? Read your content multiple times, each time focusing on different types of issues. For an example-
· Reading 1: focus only on grammar
· Reading 2: focus only on spelling
· Reading 3: focus only on heading
The more you divide the work into parts, the easier it becomes. This approach is great for improving the quality of your writing. But make sure to draw a line here as well. Don’t read it more than what is necessary.
3. Keep a checklist handy for the common mistakes you make
Everyone has their Achilles’ heels when it comes to grammatical or syntactical errors. Maybe you keep getting confused with the words “which” and “that”. Or, maybe your use of semicolon has caught your professor’s attention on one or two occasions in the past.
Whatever it is you keep messing up, pay attention and check for those mistakes before you turn your paper in.
As you proofread each academic assignment, you can quickly jot down the recurring errors. This way, you can refer to the list next time you are proofreading your paper.
4. It’s wise to have a proofreading pal
It’s barely a secret how daunting it is to proofread your own writing at times. You can swap your assignments with a classmate to proofread. This means you can have another set of eyes on your academic paper.
In this case, you should pick your pal wisely and ensure that you can trust the person with this important task. Ideally, you should find a friend who isn’t working on the same topic.
Proofreading won’t seem too overwhelming anymore with these tricks.